The Private Pension Fund is a recognized part of the international pension system. This type of pension is complimentary to the usual state pension system, to provide sufficient income to individuals once they reach their retirement age.
Our Mission
We believe our mission is closely related to what people are looking for. Their desire is to have the same quality of life during retirement age as before. “Credins Pension” fund is a product conceived to bring benefits with satisfactory values during retirement age. The Pension Fund, as a long-term saving scheme, is currently considered to be the most profitable form of long-term investment. In addition to managing the assets of the fund, we provide members financial advice, education and risk management.
Contributions are invested and accumulate interest according to the assets they invest. Members benefit from the amount of contributions and accumulated interest when they qualify for the benefit.
The Management Company also carries out the activity of making pension payments. Upon retirement, the investor can choose whether to withdraw the entire accumulated investment or withdraw it periodically, in the form of pension payments. Investors are encouraged to withdraw the accumulated investment periodically, so they can accumulate more interest.
Individual scheme:
Only the individual contributes to the voluntary pension fund, to the desired amount and period.
Professional Scheme:
The employer or the employer and the employee, make contributions in the fund for the benefit of the employees.
✓ To download the “Credins Pension” Fund Prospectus click here.
✓ To download the Summary Fund Prospectus for Credins Pension click here.
For the latest information on the “Credins Pension” Fund, refer to:
To access your account online, read the instructions in: “Credins Pension Account Guide”.