28 Feb Key Investor Information Document and “Credins Premium” Investment Fund Prospectus
In fulfillment of legal obligations from Law No. 56/2020 “On Collective Investment Undertakings” and by-laws issued pursuant to it, the management company Credins Invest sh.a., has updated the Key Investor Information Document and “Credins Premium” Investment Fund Prospectus.
Updates of the “Key Investor Information Document” (KIID):
- In the “SIK Costs and Fees” section, the ongoing fee for 2023 has been updated.
- The “Past Performance” section has been updated for the year 2023.
Updates of the “Credins Premium” Investment Fund Prospectus:
- In the section “Administrative Company Data”, “Supervision”, has been updated the sentence: “Law no. 76/2023, dated 21.09.2023 “On Private Pension Funds”.
- In the section “Funds under the administration of Credins Invest sh.a.” updates for 2023 are done.
- In the “General data of the fund/Credins Premium Investment Fund” section:
- The data for the year 2023 in paragraph 3, and in the table showing the historical data of the fund, have been updated;
- In paragraph 3, the modified average duration of the investment portfolio (Modified Duration) has been updated.
- In the “Fiscal Treatment” section, the second sentence has been updated: “Fund taxation is based on Law no. 29/2023 “On Income Tax” as amended, as well as by-laws in its implementation.
You can read the Key Investor Information Document and the Fund Prospectus published on our official website: www.credinsinvest.com.
Thank you,
Credins Invest
February 2024