14 Sep “Credins Premium” Fund Prospectus
Dear Investors,
In fulfillment of legal obligations deriving from law no. 56/2020 “On Collective Investment Enterprises” and bylaws issued in its implementation, Credins Invest, has updated the Prospectus of the Investment Fund “Credins Premium”, approved by the Financial Supervisory Authority with decision no. 144, dated 30.08.2021, and Key Investor Information (KIID).
Along with the changes dictated by the new regulatory framework, the structure of the sections in the Prospect has been changed, bringing a ranking that is thought to be more appropriate and easier for the investor to follow. We would like to inform you that some definitions regarding the terminology used have been added in the Prospectus and the historical performance of the fund has been reflected. Also, an important change is the addition of a new asset class, investing in investment fund quotas, in order to diversify the investment portfolio. Funds quotas will have a risk profile similar to the Credins Premium Fund, and the level of risk is 2.
We are constantly committed to make the right investments in order to achieve a competitive rate of return for investors while maintaining the level of risk accepted by them. According to the investment policy approved from the beginning of the fund, the assets of the Credins Premium fund can be invested up to a maximum of 10% of the total assets, even in bonds of corporations or local government units (municipalities) operating in the Republic of Albania. We have not executed this opportunity due to the lack of trading of these securities in a regulated market such as the Stock Exchange. With the new positive developments in the capital market, the Credins Premium Fund will also invest in corporate securities within the limit of 10%, according to the investment policy in the Prospectus, depending on the opportunities offered by the capital market in Albania. You can read the Prospectus and Key Investor Information electronically on our official website: www.credinsinvest.com
Thank you for your cooperation,
Credins Invest
September 10, 2021