
Credins Invest COVID – 19 Guideline

Credins Invest COVID – 19 Guideline

Dear customers,

Based on the situation created in the country and beyond as a result of Coronavirus, the management company Credins Invest sh.a., has published some guidelines for its customers and employees. Referring to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, to prevent the spread of the virus, we have created the necessary conditions for the safety of our employees and the normal activity of work related to the requirements and needs of our clients. In this difficult situation, we seek the understanding and cooperation of our customers to implement the following guidelines. The health of our employees, their safety at work and maximum customer service come first!

Credins Invest Customer Guide:

  • Hygiene for customers and employees: Credins Invest has placed disinfectants at the entrances of customer offices that appear at every desk.
  • Use the online service – To monitor your account and the progress of the Pension Fund / Investment Fund, use the online service to log in into your account. We offer transparency and access 24/7.
  • Follow the official site for the latest news – At our website you can find the latest Credins Pension and Credins Premium announcements, fund performance, updated reports and current rates.
  • Avoid physical contact: To protect each other, please for any request, first contact us at the following number: + 355 69 60 60058 or at the e-mail address: We will respond to your request as soon as possible.
  • Respect the queue in our offices: If you need to get service at our offices, try to wait in line outside the office to protect each other.
  • Keep your distance: Observe safety distances with other customers and employees. Do not shake hands or hug other clients or company employees.

Credins Invest Employee Guide:

  • Employee Regulations: Credins Invest has prepared guidelines for employees, for organizing and continuity of the work in order to respond in time to our clients.
  • Avoid travelling: Employees are advised not to travel during this period, but in case of travel they must notify the company in order to take measures for their isolation for 14 days.
  • Work from home: To protect employees and avoid physical contact with many people, some of the staff are oriented to work online from home. Online work will not affect the timely response to our customers.
  • Observance of distance: Based on the instructions for the allowed distance, the conditions are created for the employees to have a distance of min 1.5 m with each other and the customers.

Credins Invest sh.a is following strictly all instructions and decisions of the competent authorities.

For any questions or additional information you need, please contact us at:

March 10, 2020