Credins Invest Sh.a. is a management company of private pension funds and investment funds, with more than 10 years of experience in the market. Credins Invest Sh.a has created a portfolio of loyal customers, who have trusted us by investing in the pension and investment funds. Our mission is to educate the public regarding the funds, to ensure a higher welfare during retirement age for the members of the pension fund, and meet short- and medium-term needs for the members of the investment fund.
Object of Activity:
The activity of the company is supervised by the Financial Supervision Authority, in accordance with the provisions of law no. 9572, dated 03.07.2006, on the Financial Supervision Authority, law no. 76/2023, dated 21.09.2023, on Private Pension Funds and law no. 56/2020, on Collective Investment Undertakings.
The Management Company is a joint stock company, with an indefinite term, with 76% of the shares owned by Credins Bank Sh.a. The management and administration of private pension funds and collective investment undertakings is the basis of our activity.
The Funds Management Company, Credins Invest sh.a., manages six funds:
In addition to asset management, we provide to the fund’s members financial advice, education and risk management. We maintain your fund and invest daily, according to an approved investment policy, in order to realize returns for the holders of quotas in the fund.
Even though our product itself offers transparency through 24/7 online access to monitor your fund account, our staff provides continuous advice, offering you the security and investment orientation you need.
Guiding principles: