
8 Tips on Combining Love with Money

8 Tips on Combining Love with Money

1. Talk together about money

Talk openly together about money, without judgments, and talk often. You can start by discussing how money is managed in home and then talk about your overall financial situation: income, savings and spending habits, debts and investments, and retirement plans. Discuss personal values ​​and consider your differences.

2. Be responsible on how you spend your money

Once you know what your financial position is, you can plan what you will do with the money you have. Calculate your combined income (any source of money you have) together and common expenses.

3.  Find a way to share expenses

Decide how much each will contribute to household expenses, such as rent or mortgage payments, food or entertainment expenses. Some couples split each expense in half while some couples split expenses based on respective salaries. With expenses that are not necessary, couples often agree that anything that costs a lot will be discussed in advance.

4. Decide whether you will have joint or separate accounts

A shared account can be less tedious to manage because bills will be paid from the same account. However, you can have your personal accounts in advance, in which it may be more practical to keep track of each other’s expenses and separate bill payments. You can also consider keeping your personal accounts and opening a third account where you deposit money each month to cover your monthly expenses. Discover the way that works best for you.

5. Become (or continue to be) organized with your finances

Determine which of you will be responsible for each payment, or better try to automate as many bill payments as possible. Paying bills on time helps build a positive credit history. Arrange personal documents such as wills or insurance contracts (physical or digital) in a place that is convenient for both of you.

6. Deal with any debt

Do you or your partner have credit to repay, credit cards or other debts? Work out a plan to pay off these debts within a reasonable time by identifying where you can eliminate the excess costs.

7. Live within common possibilities

Try to spend less than the income you earn, pay off any debts and save money every month to achieve your goals. Keeping specific accounts for each of the expenses you make, makes you more accountable and you can make smarter decisions in the future.

8. Set common goals

Set measurable, specific, achievable, realistic, and time-bound goals. Use different tools to achieve goals by setting aside money each month automatically, whether vacation or investment for children’s education, it is good to jointly review how you can achieve your goals by often talking together about your situation financial.